
Cadmium oxide (EC 215-146-2)

Substance description/characteristics

  1. Name and other identifiers of the substance:

The substance cadmium oxide is a mono constituent substance (origin: inorganic)

The following public name is used: Cadmium oxide 

Substance identity:
EC number: 215-146-2
EC name: cadmium oxide
CAS number (EC inventory): 1306-19-0
IUPAC name: oxocadmium
Annex I index number:


Molecular formula: CdO
Molecular weight range: 128.4104
  1. Composition of the substance

Degree of purity: > 80 — < 100 % (w/w)

Constituent Typical concentration Concentration range Remarks

cadmium oxide

EC no.: 215-146-2

> 99.45   % (w/w) > 80 — < 100 % (w/w)  Total impurities measured is < 0.015%,  like Pb, Ni, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mg, Ca. They do not modify classification.


Impurities Typical concentration Concentration range Remarks

Cadmium carbonate

 0.55 % (w/w)  > 0 - < 0.7 % (w/w)  


<= 0.1 % >= 0 - < 0.2 % (w/w)  


  1. Classification

Please download classification information from document at the bottom of the page. Cadmium oxide was in annex I of the old DSD legislation and has been taken over in the annex VI of CLP. Classification for environment has been revised according to the new criteria of 2nd ATP of CLP.




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