
Cadmium oxide

The drafting of the e-SDS is the responsibility of the companies. This document has the objective to provide some harmonised elements on specific items, where appropriate. It is noted that the information on most of the items will be company-specific. In many cases, the use of standard phrases is recommended to also facilitate translations. Since companies use different software for generating MSDS, this is not the main objective of this document.
This document follows the format of the e-SDS. All items are listed; when no information is indicated, there is no Substance-specific guidance and reference is made to the general ECHA guidance. Some elements of a consensual discussion at Eurometaux (indicated as “EM”) are also included.
This listing of “common elements” is intended to help companies to draft extended SDS for their registered substances. It focuses on the items that are common to the substance and should be translated in the e-SDS, conform to the consensual conclusions contained in the registration files (IUCLID V and Chemical Safety Report).
This list is not exhaustive, but complementary to the guidance provided by the ECHA : “Guidance on the compilation of safety data sheets, version September 2011”, available on the ESDS main page.
The relevant GES-generic exposure scenario(s) should be attached to the e-SDS. The companies are advised to check their relevant use(s), identify the corresponding Generic exposure scenario(s) (GES), and attach this/these to their SDS. Several GES can be attached. The list of uses can be found in the introduction of the GES document, available in the member's section or on demand for LoAs. Keep the library of the several GES available for your customers and their further Downstream Uses.
Please, note that the “Consumer” uses, if any, are covered by integrated regional (Environment) and consumer (Health) assessments in the CSR.


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